Laser System Firmware - Start Here
The current firmware is an edited “Marlin” by Erik Zalm. Please use the buttons below to download the Arduino IDE(Integrated Developer Environment) and the current firmware. Be sure to read the page description for the firmware, beta is usually stable, alpha might crash, running firmware is the current tested and stable firmware.
To install it:
Download and Install: Arduino – Available OSX/Win/Linux – 32/64-bit
Unzip the firmware onto your PC
Open the Arduino software and select File -> Open, then browse to the unzipped firmware folder and select Marlin.pde from inside the Marlin folder.
Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega 2560
Select Tools -> Serial Port and select the serial port of your Arduino
Press the Upload button and wait for it to complete!
Laser System Setup and Soldering - TTL and Standard
The laser is 50mW with a 405nm wavelength. We created a simple power circuit for it and used a cheap laser driver from Aixiz laser, all that it needs is a switched voltage source for functioning. It can be switched at up to 10kHz. Use the link below to view a diagram of the Laser System as well as instructions for soldering.
Laser Printer - Getting Started
Please follow our instructions to get started printing. A link is also provided on the documentation page.
Select 3D Model -> Repetier Host
First a model is picked, this must be an OBJ or STL model for compatibility with Slic3r, it must also be free of errors and holes. The model is run through Slic3r, which is built-in to Repetier Host, using our profile provided below. The resulting GCode file is then run inside of Repetier Host for an all-in-one software solution. There are other slicing engines out there, so feel free to try and translate the profile to them and do your own experiments. Below is our Slic3r profile. The links above will take you to the Repetier Host website, it is available for OSX, Windows, and Linux.
DLP System Firmware - Kit Builders Start Here
The current firmware is an edited “Marlin” by Erik Zalm. Please use the buttons below to download the Arduino IDE(Integrated Developer Environment) and the current firmware. Be sure to read the page description for the firmware.
To install it:
Download and Install: Arduino – Available OSX/Win/Linux – 32/64-bit
Unzip the firmware onto your PC
Open the Arduino Software and select File -> Open, then browse to the unzipped firmware folder and select Marlin.pde from inside the Marlin folder.
Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega 2560
Select Tools -> Serial Port and select the serial port of your Arduino
Press the Upload button and wait for it to complete!
nanoDLP & RPi - Prebuilts Start Here
Please follow our instructions to get started printing with nanoDLP. This software is free of charge and runs on a Raspberry Pi 2/3. Follow our instructions to turn your printer into a network connected machine of convenience and free your PC today!
Use the import/export feature to share profiles with friends and colleagues, or download our starter profiles.
DLP Desktop PC & Creation Workshop
Alternative Choice For Tethered PC Operation of Printers, Creation Workshop is a pay to use software that can be acquired using the links provided.
Please follow our instructions to get started printing. A link is also provided on the documentation page.
Creation Workshop is used to run the DLP based printer. It requires a second monitor output on the host PC as well as the USB running to the Arduino based RAMPS board. Download Creation Workshop from Data Tree 3D.
Creation Workshop Slicing Profiles. Unzip these into the “Profiles” directory of Creation Workshop once it is extracted onto your computer.
The current firmware is an edited “Marlin” by Erik Zalm, available here. Much credit goes to him and the hundreds of other contributors.